A3H Members Application 2024-2025 (July-June)
COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION:(ALL fields required; if the field is not applicable enter n/a)
Legal Name Year Started
Street Address City State Zip
Administrative Phone Reservation Phone
Fax Number Toll-Free Number
Company Email Web Page

Click on the appropriate dollar amount to indicate your business size
and preferred billing frequency. * Annual rates must be received by July 1st to be eligible for 10%.
Size of Business Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual*
SMALL (Less than 11 people)
MEDIUM (11 to 50 people)
LARGE (Over 50 people)
ISLAND & CATEGORY: One Island and Category is included with your Membership Dues. Each additional Island is a charge of $20 per month and each additional Category is $5 per month. These will be added to the dues above at the same scheduled billing frequency. (Quarterly, Semi-Annual or Annual)
OPTIONAL MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES AT NO ADDTIONAL COST: Check to indicate which program(s) you would like to participate in.
Gold Card - $0 (ShakaGoldCard.com)
Kama'aina (Kamaaina.org)
Industry Rates (Employees)
*To include your company we will need the % off offered for each program (Shaka Gold Card, Local Residents and Fellow Industry Staff). Also required is a booking URL from your reservation system at these reduced prices. This will ensure the efficiency of realtime, paid infull directly to your company bookings.
Officer of the Company Title
Direct Email Direct Phone Mobile Phone